Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Daily Pollution Levels

Local Pollution Levels

Get up to date monitoring data from our two continuous analysers located at Stanwix Bank (external link) and Caldewgate (external link).

National Pollution Levels

For information on pollution levels nationally please click on the following links:
National Air Pollution Levels for the UK (external link) - An excellent resource at the UK National Air Quality Archive gives air pollution levels for the whole of the UK
Ozone Levels for UK (external link) - Simple real-time satellite maps of the world showing current ozone levels.
You can also obtain the forecast by calling the Air Pollution Information Service (free from a BT Landline) on 0800 556677  (Enter quick dial code 43 for the NorthWest of England).

Daily Pollution Level Bands

In the UK Daily Air Pollution levels are placed in four bands to describe levels of pollution. The bands are as follows:
  • LOW
  • HIGH
Healthy people do not normally notice any effects from air pollution, except occasionally when air pollution is 'very high'
The table below shows the four bands and their impact on the health of people who are sensitive to air pollution.
The changes from band to band do not represent  sudden steps. The effects of air pollutants on health increase gradually as air pollution levels rise.
Pollution BandHealth Impact 
 LOWEffects are unlikely to be noticed, even by people who know they are sensitive to air pollutants 
MODERATEMild effects are unlikely to require action but may be noticed by sensitive people
HIGHSensitive people may notice significant effects and have to take action to reduce or avoid them (for example, by reducing time spent outdoors) Asthmatics will find their reliever inhaler is likely to reverse the effects of pollution on their lungs
VERY HIGHThe effects on sensitive people, described for 'high' levels of pollution, may worsen
Sensitive individuals are those people who suffer from heart and lung diseases, including asthma particularly if they are elderly.
It is important to look at the bands in the light of personal experience, individuals people - especially those who are sensitive to pollution - will learn from experience how air pollution affects them. Effects may still be noticed for some days after pollution levels have fallen to low or moderate levels.
People with heart conditions or severe lung diseases (e.g chronic bronchitis or emphysema) may be more sensitive to changes in air pollution than the descriptions suggest.


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